Be an seo trend in 2022 to give priority to mobile devices in the webmasters' atelier. And it is that, there are many users who browse dressed only in their mobiles, which increases the concern for those who make seo strategies to take care of the web core vitals . To do this, they will take into account measurements regarding content loading, web interaction and visual stability. If you want to train as an expert in this highly demanded area, consult our advanced course in community management and digital marketing the video format is the most trendy the it girls and the it boys of seo have spoken: seo strategies that do not implement the video format will become retro .
Video channels with such a high number of followers as youtube , as reflected in the iab spain studies , cannot be wasted. The video format is one of the most sought after by users due to its dynamism. In this sense, webmasters will take care not to fall into vintage by optimizing videos with descriptions and keywords that help positioning. Bet of seo for local commerce the fashseon victim can't resist counting on the 2022 seo trend of supporting users' local searches .
In the closest environments, there are many transactional searches that will make webmasters bet on a local seo that combines perfectly with other actions within whatsapp number list their strategy so that the traffic of their clients looks. Don't forget to create a cool google my business ! Secondary kws are the best complements give prominence to the main kw and combine them perfectly with other secondary ones. In this way, webmasters will be able to dominate semantic searches and improve web positioning . Now, for this, you have to know the context of each query in the search