Been detected in madrid, malaga and alicante. Also in communities closer to central and northern europe such as the basque country and cantabria. Crime in spain the incidence of the black market in narcotics makes spain one of the nine countries with high levels of crime, but where more efforts are made to try to tackle it. In a similar situation are colombia, south africa, nigeria, the united states, france, italy, ecuador and malaysia, which share reality despite the great economic and social differences that separate them. It is striking that spain, and the powers mentioned,
have not entered the group of 50 states that have the best combination: low levels of organized crime and high resilience . Especially when this list includes whatsapp number list countries such as canada, germany, denmark, portugal or japan, with botswana, cape verde, georgia, kuwait or senegal. Legal section organized crime in spain is understood as a criminal organization as a group formed by more than two people with a stable character or for an indefinite period of time, who share various tasks or functions in a concerted and coordinated manner with the aim of committing crimes.
They are characterized by having at least two of the following indicators: - specific distribution of tasks. - use of some type of internal control. - extension to the international arena. - use of violence. - money laundering. - use of economic or commercial structures. - corruption of authorities or companies. The figure of the criminal organization and group is regulated and defined in article 570 bis as follows: "those who promote, constitute, organize, coordinate or direct a criminal organization will be punished with a prison sentence of four to eight