Great creativity needs collaboration
Most content projects involve three types of collaborators:
Designs are inspired by the phone number list brief and build multiple versions from feedback until items are approved.
Managers provide the phone number list creative direction and closely oversee the program to keep it on time, on budget, and focused on achieving specified business goals.
Stakeholders can be additional reviewers or have final approval of the phone number list final result. They still need a high-level understanding phone number list of how the project fits into the brand and overall company plans.
But when the phone number list review and approval process takes place on a plethora of one-size-fits-all enterprise collaboration tools, it can quickly spiral out of control. Creatives are bombarded with random bursts of comments via their inboxes and chat rooms. Managers struggle phone number list to keep their teams on the same page or have to chase approvers. Stakeholders have zero visibility into what's going on across all content initiatives without demanding a tedious email update or attending a staggering status meeting.
In this collaborative model, everyone feels overwhelmed and stressed. This results in wasted time, wasted money, and ultimately substandard creative output that fails to achieve the phone number list necessary business results. As leaders, we must make promoting the creativity phone number list of our teams a top priority.
Tips for stress-free creative collaboration
When collaboration works well, 85% of us say it can be the phone number list best part of our day. However, when it's bad, 56% say it's the worst.
Good collaboration is about people – educating them on what works and using a more thoughtful approach to the phone number list tools we adopt – to improve the quality and impact of the phone number list content produced. Here are my three tips for phone number list more stress-free creative collaboration.