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They often use 1000 mg to 2000 mg dose per week of this steroidal substancein their therapy." "As a result of the large difference in efficacy and tolerability between the two drugs, the most effective treatment options to date for DMDD in adolescents are not supported by current diagnostic procedures, best steroids alternative." Dr, anabolic steroid expert. Martin G, testosteron 1000 week per mg. Friesen, a professor of psychiatry, neurosurgery and psychology, who is currently the director of the Center for Research and Treatment of Children and Adolescents at Northwestern University School of Medicine, who was not associated with the study said: "I can think of a number of reasons to be cautious about prescribing steroids to the patients who might benefit from DMDD, including not knowing which patients should take it, and not knowing its tolerability. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that both drugs have unique benefits that may be important to explore in further research, 1000 mg testosteron per week." The authors of the study are David D. Stupp, the George L. Jaffe professor of psychiatry, neurosurgery and psychology at Northwestern University School of Medicine, and the lead author of the publication.
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